Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal

Volume 13 Number 5 2000


The dynamics of accounting change Inter-play between new practices, routines, institutions, power and politics
John Burns (pp. 566 - 596)


Completing the triangle: Taylorism and the paradigms
Richard K Fleischman (pp. 597 - 624)


The chairman's statement - A content analysis of discretionary narrative disclosures
Malcolm Smith; Richard J Taffler (pp. 624 - 647)


The influence of subsidiary context and head office strategic management style on control of MNCs: the experience in Australia
Lai Hong Chung; Patrick T Gibbons; Herbert P Schoch (pp. 647 - 668)


Methodological issues - Reflections on quantification in corporate social reporting content analysis
Jeffrey Unerman (pp. 667 - 681)


Literature and insights - "Forensic" accounting in Spanish belles-lettres of the nineteenth century
Richard Mattessich (pp. 681 - 689)